Squid Game is a brutal show about social inequalities — and it's Netflix's next major hit | CBC News
Netflix has recently announced that South Korean dystopian horror series Squid Game -— famed for its brutal violence — could be its biggest release ever. CBC News spoke with two culture experts to understand its themes and origins.
Squid Game is a brutal show about social inequalities — and it's Netflix's next major hit
brutal : cruel, violent, and completely without feelings
inequality : the unfair situation in society when som people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people.
debt-ridden : having a lot of debt and therefore in financial difficulty
trajectory : the curved path an object foloows after it is thrown or shot into the air, or of an object that is traveling through space
- the missile came in on a very low trjectory.
fluke : something, usually a good thing, that has happend as result of chance instead of skill or planning
trope : something such as an idea, phrase, or image that is often used in a particular artist's work, in a particular type of art, etc.