Get a better understanding of the science of climate change in just 6 charts
From sea level rise to global greenhouse gas emissions, here’s a look at climate science in 6 charts — and why we should still remain hopeful, from atmospheric scientist Betsy Weatherhe…
During the first year of the pandemic in 2020, when fewer people were driving and some industries briefly stopped, carbon dioxide emissions from fuels fell by roughly 6 percent. But it didn’t stop the rise in the concentration of carbon dioxide because the amount released into the atmosphere by human activities far exceeded what nature could absorb.
If civilization stopped its carbon dioxide-emitting activities today, it would still take many hundreds of years for the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to fall enough naturally to bring the planet’s carbon cycle back into balance because of carbon dioxide’s long life in the atmosphere.
Chart 3: When CO2 levels go up, so do global temperatures
Multiple lines of scientific evidence point to the increase in greenhouse emissions over the past century and a half as a driver of long-term climate change around the world.
assessments : the act of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality, or importance of soemthing or the judgment or decision that is made
combustion : the proscess of burning