
  • 22.2.23
    개인공부/영어 2022. 2. 23. 09:05

    How I befriended the 'unfriend' button and focused on the connections that mattered 

    befriend : to befriendly towards someone / to make someone your friend on a social networking website 


    The beauty of social media is I can choose who I think are worth engaging with 

    engaging : pleasant, attractive, and charming 


    We all have that friend whose posts make us shudder or keep scrolling. Initially it was easy to turn away, because it didn't affect me personally. 

    shudder : to shake suddenly and briefly, esp. because of an unpleasant thought or feeling


    I don't believe that's an option any longer, especially as those divisions become clearer and harder to ignore. 

    A recent poll for CBC Saskatchewan suggests that our society has become more polarized. In that same poll, 31.5 per cent of respondents said they have reduced contact with a friend or family member because of differing views or opinions. 

    polarized : divided into two completely opposing groups 


    Even before 2020, I was aware of friends on my social media accounts — mostly Facebook because I'm of that "Facebook age" — who had some strong, questionable opinions. I can't say I didn't know or didn't see it. I saw a former high school classmate's racist comments on the Colten Boushie trial and ignored them. I saw a mommy-group friend posting about her anti-vaccine thoughts and shrugged because that was "the way she is." 

    I'm ashamed to say I ignored these things and didn't address them head-on back then. 

    head-on back: head on back has become an idiomatic expression meaning to turn around and go back the way you came, or to some previous waypoint on your route. 

    address: to speak or write to someone / to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem


    That guy with the racist commentary was louder, blaming the virus on incorrect sources and using slurs to describe immigrants. That old mommy-group friend was sharing misinformation from dubious "health and science" sources.  

    slur : a remarkt that criticizes someone and is likely to have a harmful effect on their reputation 


    More people joined in. People I had connected with in the past were sharing a side of themselves that didn't resonate with who I wanted to be today, or who I want my kids to look up to. 

    resonate : to produce or be filled with clear, continuing sound




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