
  • Jan 18 2019
    개인공부/영어 2019. 1. 18. 13:14

    토익 단어

    < ETS 기출 문제집 test 3 >

    postpone 연기하다 
    magnify 확대하다
    toward ~을 향해, ~쪽으로
    throughout ~ 전반에 걸쳐
    solicitation 간청,권유
    appointed 임명된
    vacant position 공석
    intimately 친밀하게, 스스럼없이
    permissibly 허용되어
    haltingly 머뭇거리며
    in as much as -이므로, -인점을 고려하여

    China envoy to Canada warns of 'repercussions' if Ottawa bans Huawei from 5G mobile phone network

    1.repercussion : The effect that an action,event or decision has on something, especially a bad effect 영향

    2.pledge : a serious or formal promise, especially one to give money or to be a friend, or something that you give as a sign that you will keep a promise / (굳은) 약속, 맹세, 서약

    3.bilateral : involving two groups or countries / 쌍방의
      bilateral relations / agreements / trade / talks 

    4.deepen : increasing or becoming darker (감정.느낌이 [을]) 깊어지다 [깊게하다]

    5.implication (~for/of sth) : an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directily

    6.interpreter : 통역사

    7.urge : a strong wish, especially one that is difficult or impossible to control / -하도록 충고하다

    8.frosty : very cold / if someone, or someone's behaviour, is frosty, they are unfriendly and not welcoming 

    9.arrest ~sb(for sth) 

    10.detain (경찰서 교도소 등에) 구금 (억류) 하다

    11.suspicion N ~ (that ..) : 불법적이거나 부정직한 일을 했다는 혐의 (의혹)

    12.smuggle (<-smuggling) : 밀수하다, 밀반입(출)하다

    13.impasse : 교착상태

    North Korea's Kim Yong-chol arrives in Washington


    'No point going to school if our world is dying'

    Thousands of students skip school in Belgium to join a march demanding action on climate change.

    '개인공부 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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