Spring marches on even if we're stuck in one place. The seven-day forecast from The Weather Network shows 18 C temperatures hitting the city for three days this week. We'll get the first hint of warmMontreal weather on Wednesday with "a mix of sun and clouds," before two days of rain.
* marches on : move forward , also in the metaphorical sense
The forecast from Environment Canada is less optimistic, showing a high of 16 C on Wednesday and a chance of more showers on Saturday.
While Montreal braces for the reopening of some schools and businesses in the next few weeks, Mayor Valérie Plante warned everyone to get used to a world without close social interaction — no gathering in parks, no parties, no concerts and no festivals.
* brace : 1.prepare, stee; 2.invigorate (to give life and energy to 활력을 주다 ) 3.to prepare for use by making taut (긴장을 주다 )
"We are talking about deconfinement of certain sectors, not of the population at large," she said at a briefing Tuesday.
* briefing : informationthat is given to someone just before they do something, or ameetingwhere thishappens