Ruth Bader Ginsberg In Hospital ‘Resting’ After Gallbladder Treatment
-gallbladder: 담낭
The Supreme Court Justice is expected to participate in oral arguments for the court by phone tomorrow.
-Supreme Court Justice : 미국 연방 대법원
-court : 법정
Ginsburg was “resting comfortably” after receiving “non-surgical” treatment for acute cholecystitis, a benign condition, at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, the Supreme Court said.
acute: 심각한
cholecystitis : 담낭염
benign : 온화한
출처 : 허핑턴포스트
1. call away : ~을 불러내다, ~를 호출하다.
I was called away unexpectedly today by the boss
It called away my attentiion.
2. all things considered : 모든것을 고려하여 종합적으로고려하여
she's done it really well, all things considered.
All things considered, I'm sure we made the right decision.
출처 : 영어주유소